Privacy Policy |
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Privacy Policy

This privacy policy only concerns AmListen users of our online services.

AmListen works to ensure that your privacy is protected when using our services. We therefore have a policy setting out how your personal data will be processed and protected. 

Are we using your personal data?
We are using your name and email details only if you want to comment on any post or if you want to submit articles to our site. We are also using your location for Google Analytics to analyze our user behavior on our website. Apart from this, we are not using your personal information for any third-party app.

Who has access to the data?
The Amlisten team can access your name and email address details from the database, but we never pass on, sell, or swap your data to third parties for marketing or any other type of purpose outside the AmListen Group.

How do we protect your data?
We are updated with new technologies to secure our and our users's data. We adapted many technical and organizational security measures to protect your data from loss, manipulation, or any other type of unauthorised activity. We are protecting your data using encryption. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a function that protects and encrypts all information sent between our users and our team.

We can make changes to our privacy policy due to new technology updates; you can find updates here.

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